What people think of us matters but what we think of those people matters more. Be wise always and trust others with deep wisdom. —Ray Newkirk


“Really enjoyed Dr. Newkirk...The workshop gave incredible insight...Would recommend the workshop to others.” — Rita Abbott

“Dr. Newkirk was very good, impressive, innovative...Loved and wanted more of Dr. Newkirk’s theories ” — Reiko Jenkins

“Ray is one of those rare persons who raises the spirits of others when they are down, even when Ray is down himself. I always reach out to Ray when I need to be refreshed. He has never let me down.” — Bob Martin

“Ray is the best consultant in the world.” — Julie Landrum

“The day proved to be very stimulating - surprised...went to the workshop expecting it to be a long, boring day.” — Reiko Jenkins

“Appreciated, enjoyed, and found enlightening the philosophies of Dr. Newkirk that were incorporated into the workshop.” — Don Daniken

“Ray believes in going forward, always. Every time I get to where he is in his thinking, he is already out ahead of me again. Ray never stops, never slows. He merely pauses to let you catch your breath, and then the chase begins again.” — Jerry Cooper

“Many people have a Ph.D. that means little. Ray is that rare academic that earns the right to be called “Doctor”. I call him “Doctor” because he has earned my genuine respect.” — Dave Simon

“Especially appreciated the philosophies/ideas of managing a business. Would like to be made aware of future workshops offered by Dr. Newkirk.”

— Don Daniken

“Ray never ever gives up on a problem. Regardless of the challenge, Ray is relentless. Not only does he find a solution that works, he finds a solutions that works remarkably well.” — Bud Parrish

“Ray is scary smart. He is not only knowledgeable, but displays genuine wisdom beyond .the depth of all but the truly exceptional and truly intelligent person.” — Roger Ailes

My Coaching Method

Listen Intently with Structure the Problem Follow the Plan to Solve the Problem

Deep Interest To Form an Applied Intutive Solution™ Plan

It is a wise person who first masters the correct understanding of a problem before mastering the solution to the wrong problem. Inadequate solutions are more common than adequately understood problems. —Ray Newkirk