Dr. Ray Newkirk Executive Coach
Sharing Insights Gained through 40+ Years of Global Experience
If you are searching for Coaching Assitance, you have landed on the right page. We offer a full range of coaching services, education, and Certification opportunities. I invite you to vist our site.
Phone Dr. Ray Newkirk
Orlando, Florida
(407) 864 7756
Executive Coaching
Performance Coaching
Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™)
Join me for confidential 1-1 contract based Coaching to resolve a wide range of soft-skills challenges.
Building upon my unique UlThule™ Coaching approach derived from real-life problem solving, I further engage in targeted evidence-based Mentoring sessions that facilitate the rapid attainment of soft-skills mastery. —Dr. Ray Newkirk On-Line or by Phone (407) 864 7756
UlThule™ Coaching for Potent Problem Solving
—Coaching for Performance Beyond Peak Performance—
Rapid Problem Solving is the new gift of the UlThule™ Coaching Approach.
All Coaching, whatever approach, is about problem-solving. Engage Dr. Newkirk to enhance your experiential, evidence-based, transformative, and Rapid Real-Time Problem-Solving capability. More than 55 years in development, the Ulthule™ Coaching approach is the most effective Rapid Problem-Solving approach available today. Dr. Newkirk has coached executives and their teams during the most stressful projects imaginable that have changed entire industries. Ulthule™ Coaching prepares clients to move beyond the boundaries of Peak Performance in Rapid Real Time by delivering results previously unimagined .
As your Coach, Dr. Newkirk will assist you, or your team, from the very first session with rapidly solving a wide range of soft-skills problems spanning a large number of complex topics. Working with Dr. Newkirk will enable you to more rapidly remove the obstacles that impede your path to personal and career success by rapidly attaining problem-solving mastery. He can further assist you with advancing through the four levels of Ulthule™ Coaching Certification if you wish to fully immerse yourself in this potent Coaching approach.
It is a common practice today to hire a Coach. It is another to work with the Coach to learn how to rapidly solve one’s problems with solutions derived from successful global experience. Since 1982 Dr. Ray Newkirk has assisted executives and leaders from a diverse range of global organizations in government and industry, assisting them with mastering their relationships within and outside the workplace. The goal here, of course, is to assist clients with building their self-systems potency by deepening the meaning of their lives wherever they may be. As a Ulthule™ Coach, Dr. Newkirk assists clients with deriving the potent solutions that enable them to achieve performance at levels beyond the ordinary. This is performance that is beyond Peak Performance.
Dr. Newkirk sees UThule™ Coaching as a process that assists clients with gaining the insights necessary to mster a specific situation. This is beyod traditional training. UlThule™ Coaching assists clients with attaining behavioral, contextual, and technical solutions that are relevant to a specific problem that each client seeks to resolve. In this respect then, by mastering each solution, clients continually engage in personal transformation by acquiring new insights and capabilities previously unrealized. This, then, is successful coaching.
Have you ever noticed that many people do not believe in an unseen reality such as God, Angels the soul, life after, you know, the “D” word. Yet it is the unseen aspects of life that impact us the most. Think about virtue, morals, and character. Our daily lives are lived and experienced in reaction to these unseen somethings or other. When I meet a stranger who manifests good character, life is good and I react to this reality in a certain kind of way. When I meet a stranger who manifests bad character, life is less good and I react to this reality in a different kind of way. Yet, character remains unseen but, nevertheless, experienced. —RLN
Dr. Newkirk’s Coaching History
Dr. Newkirk more formally began developing his UlThule™ Coaching approach while as Founder of the Monterey Bay Management Group (MBMG) in California with Dr. Gene Kerfoot, a renowned Redecision Psychotherapist, as collaborator. From the outset, we did not particularly like the idea of being referrred to as a “Coaching Company” because the ideal of coaching was well-entrenched in high schools, colleges, and professional sports. Moreover what we were doing was not a sport at all but something vitally serious in assisting clients with solving crucial, and often complex problems that negatively impacted their personal and professional lives. Our clients required effecive solution plans, rapidly, and not coaching formations or coaching plays. Our problem-solving is quite a bit different. We are more collaorators than coaches as we assist clients with more rapidly mastering the solutions they require to attain rapid growth and personal transformation. We are masters at contributing evidence-based insights that encoruage rapid growth in clients through the mastery of new skills and solution plans.
The attainment of rapid growth is what our client assistance approach is all about. Fundamentally, we see our mission as delivering the assitance required to transform clients into masters of Rapid Problem-Solving. Today we see this as a special kind of coaching that encourages clients to attain performance at the Ultimate Thule level, the ultimate or highest level of performance possible. This is UlThule™ Coaching, and it is the Framework for everything we do to assist clients. With each passing year, we now see that Rapid Problem-Solving is rapildy become the new necessity in management practice and action and enterprisewide Change Management. UlThule™ Coaching is radically innovative. Today, we see significant organization working hard to adapt our vision and principles in their own organization. It is the new problem-solving mindset. The result for us is a partnership with Systems Management Institute and access to its Intelligent Platform.
Dr. Newkirk seeks the same result regardless of a client’s situation: Client Success. Although every client is different, every client desires the same coaching result an: Effective Outcome. Dedicated to ensuring this outcome, Dr. Newkirk has navigated his way through a wild wilderness of different social attitudes that have emerged over the years, especially attitudes about Coaching and its potential to assist clients who experience a wide range of personal and professional challenges. Transitioning from Adviser, Teacher, Trainer, and Seminar Presenter to Senior Executive, Behavioral Scientist, Psychologist, Consulting Specialist and UlThule™ Coach, Dr. Newkirk paved the way for the development of the “Intelligent Platform” and “the advent of “Rapid Real-Time, Evidence-Based Solutions”. He remains focused on assisting clients with solving their problems rapidly as they unlock their potential to be creative, confident, realistic, and potent individuals who see personal transformation as a life-long process.
When Dr. Newkirk began coaching, there were very few efforts to change the problem-solving process. Dr. Newkirk actually wanted to change “how the world solves problems” one client at a time. He fully realized what probably everyone went through simply to solve problems in organizations, one step at a time. He also understood quite well that the cost of problem-solving exceeded the cost of operations in most organizations. As a CEO himself, he knew quite well that the process people employed to solve problems in organizations was indeed a competitive disadvantage. Even way back then, Dr. Newkirk was convinced that there had to be a better way to solve problem. There had to be a better approach than the traadition six or eight step commonly-used process that people suffered through to solve problems, hopefully the right problems.
Many decades ago, Dr. Newkirk realized that Problem-Solving generally occurs through a six to eight step process that often returns incorrect or ineffective results. Imagine that, working hard to deliver the wrong solution to a biting problem. Beyond this, Dr. Newkirk realized that many people frequently work hard to solve the wrong problem. He saw that it is a frequent occurrence. The solution may be correct, but the problem solved was the wrong problem because the problem was often misstated. Imagine that! People work hard to solve the wrong problems. Is this possible? Can it possibly be true? Of course it is. It is more common than you would ever imagine. Competitors love it because they suffer through the same challenge.
Dr. Newkirk became convinced at a very early age that Rapid Problem-Solving was the anwer. Obviously he saw something back then that people today are only beginning to realize. Dr. Newkirk worked on this mission for years. He had formed his Rapid Problem-Solving vision and now he looked for a way to bring it to the world, even if he had to do it one client at a time. After many years of development, testing, refining, and expanding his ideas to reach the globe, Dr. Newkirk has introduced his UlThule™ Coaching Approach as his unique method for ensuring coaching effectiveness for indisiduals and entire organizations. Indeed, Dr. Newkirk’s UlThule™ Coaching forms a single coaching approach that unifies coaching, problem-solving, and personal potency.
Through the application of his evidence-based solutions environment, Dr. Newkirk designed a more potent, dynamic, and assistive Coaching approach that uniquely addresses the challenges of each client. Today, Dr. Newkirk’s Intelligent Platform consists of many thousands of solutions that can assist clients nearly anywhere in the world. This enables the clients of Dr. Newkirk to find solutions that can assist them with transformation as a life-long process. Such a Coaching Approach presents an opportunity for clients to participate in their personal or professional growth as a continuous and life-long process. Dr. Newkirk’ s Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) Intelligent Platform has taken more than 50 years to develop and has become the most significant problem-solving platform anywhere. Dr. Newkirk’s Intelligent Platform presents a new paradigm for individual and team Coaching and problem-solving.
UlThule™ Coaching is not for everyone. Nothing is for everyone. UlThule™ Coaching success occurs whenever the client’s attitude is aligned with the situation, the client’s desire is authentic, and the client’s commitment is consistent. You see UlThule™ Coaching is not merely a process that delivers advice shared with a client by a coach. Dr. Newkirk is not in the advice giving business. UlThule™ Coaching is a way of thinking and living that is comprehensive. It does not fragment the person by islolating a specific problem as if it is a disconnected reality of the client. UlThule™ Coaching is historical in the sense that it has its roots in the Ancient Romans, “Ultima Thule!”. UlThule™ Coaching can assist individuals, teams, groups, oganizations, and entire enterprises. UlThule™ Coaching is best for clients when “good enogh” is not really good enough. It is for client who undestand that exceptional is good enough. The vision that igited the emergence of UlThule™ Coaching is a deep and noble one. Today, many people seem to have misplaced their personal potency. UlThule™ Coaching exists to correct this deficiency of a highly technological age by igniting the potency of each client.
Some people will argue with you about almost anything because it gives them an excuse for ignoring the social situations that require the most attention. —Ray Newkirk .
The UlThule™ Coaching Difference
It is true that many people hire coaches, but many people hire coaches who not fit well for their situations. Every client engages a coach to solve a problem. This is good because some coaches assist clients with solving their problems. Not every coach can assist clients well enough to do this. Rather, these coaches may deliver excellent training and render a fine bit of advice. Unfortunately advice and a few dollars will get a client a hot cup of coffee, but not a problem solution. It is one thing to participate in a coaching session, but it is another to participate in a coaching session that enables you to become empowered well enough to solve your problem yourself. For a numbre of decades, Dr. Newkirk has assisted leaders throughout the world with unleashing their personal potency. This occurs not through advice-giving but through problem-solving. Highly potent individuals form and maintain more rewarding and loving relationships, forge enduring solutions, and increse human potency throughout the world. Employing a knowledge assistive coaching approach formed through decades of problem-solving based on direct personal experience, Dr. Newkirk assists clients with rapidly finding technical, contextual, and behavioral solutions that are directly relevant to their problem situations. Such coaching is transformative because it assists clients with acquiring new skills not previously possessed. Such outcomes build the potency of each of Dr. Newkirk’s clients.
“The world presents great beauty. It is all around us if we just pause and open the eyes of our souls and take it in. However, this takes consistency in thought and action between our values and decisions. This, then, is the stuff of life. —Ray Newkirk
Rapid Problem Solving Through UlThule™ Coaching
UlThule™ Coaching presents a special way of realizing a person’s or team’s potential to deliver extraordinary problem-solving performance as a common practice. Rather than using difficult formulas, trial & error guesses, or taking blind shots in the dark, clients can leverage UlThule™ Coaching to improve or other wise enhance their problem-solving skills. In each coaching session, Dr. Newkirk shares insights and fosters concepts that expand and deepend the client’s capacity for solving problems in rapid real time through the development of effective strategies as solution plans. Through UlThule™ Coaching, clients begin to understand more clearly the limits and potential of their skills and capabilities and how these capabilities impact themselves personally and their careers professionally. In this way, clients achieve personal and professional growth. UlThule™ Coaching, therefore, is an interactive self-design process that assists clients with building their personal potency and exceeding the limits of their earier self-imposed constraints.
Values, Morals, Ethics and all of these formative kinds of beliefs and behaviors serve to make us more fully human when we are guided by some of them and live by such guidance. But, and here is the big BUT, what is Applied Moral Wisdom? That’s the ticket people for a fully human life. How do we inform our morals? How do we become a morally wise people? Moral Wisdom remains merely an academic discussion unless we apply such wisdom in our daily lives. Dogs, cats, rats, and kangaroos are not guided by moral wisdom, but human beings can be if they work at it. This is good to know the next time we see a human being walking his or her pet. This kind of knowledge can just possibly inform our behavior and gives us some kind of hint of what to expect from the situation. —RLN
UlThule™ Coaching is Evidence Based
UlThule™ Coaching works because it is an intelligent and evidence-based way of looking at personal potency and the limits of personal performance. UlThule™ Coaching focuses on the experience of the client, the goals of the client, the environments influencing the client’s life and the problems faced by the client that require resolution during caoching. However, it does this by considering the limits of the client’s pesonal potency and the potential for going beyond these limits of personal potency. As we unite all of these concerns as a single problem-solving environment, we see that UlThule™ Coaching is a philosophy for growth, is enabled by an advanced technology, and is concernedc with changing the experience of clients.
UlThule™ Coaching never ends. Clients begin the UlThule™ journey with the Coach but then continue the self-development journey throughout the client’s lifetime as a high performance process of life-long skills development and emotional growth that is unique to each client. The contextual and behavioral dimensions of each client’s life makes the UlThule™ Coaching experience unique to each client.
People have changed significantly over the years. Technology has significantly impacted how people think, relate, learn, and form relationships and even make decisions about the most important issues of their lives. That age old question is still with us: “To Be Or Not To Be?” Dr. Newkirk designed his UlThule™ Coaching approach to assist clients with finding answers to this deeply personal and very human question. It is the question that every human being seeks to answer one way or another, directly or indirectly, courageously or indifferently at different times in each lifetime. It is the “Problem for the Ages,” one might say, that Dr. Newkirk assists clients with answering. Uncovering the right answer to this nagging question makes all the difference in the world to how well clients prepare themselves for designing their futures as best they can.
Self-development never ends. It may slow down a bit, take a detour, hesitate and even halt for a time. But it is there even in old age as people question the meaning of their lives and search for understanding as they face their failures and successes, their good times and bad and the meaning of it all. The problem of mortality is ultimately solved in living through it as an effective human being according to one’s capacity to do so. Nevertheless, the questions may change and the meanings of them may take on different priorities, but it is important to remember that the sense of meaning of one’s life and the results of one’actions remind us that we are connected to a greater reality that unifies the experiences of one’s life with those of family, friends, and colleagues who, themselves, are making a similar journey that adds deeper meaning to one’s own life as it gives meaning to their lives. UlThule™ Coaching assists clients in this life-long journey reminding them they are potent individuals who contribute not only to the value of their own lives but to the lives of family, friends, and colleagues throughout one’s lifetime. And this is not a meaningless sentiment but it is the stuff that makes the history of humanity so powerful, and hopeful, and possible. In its small and seemingly insignificant way, UlThule™ Coaching serves as a positive force in the continous unfolding of every client’s life. This is worthy of note. To this end, UlThule™ Coaching delivers transformative solutions through in-person and digital coaching. UlThule™ Coaching succeeds because clients develop the courage to be supportive and productive human beings. Amog other benefits, UlThule™ Coaching can assist clients with learning how to more apprpriately:
Clarify the range of their influence on family, friends, and colleagues;
Build more potent workplace relationships;
Develop levels of intimacy and trust appropriate to a specific situation and auidence;
Control one’s reactions and priorities in awkward social and work settings;
Attain performance that is beyond the common limits of Peak Performance delivered by colleagues;
Generate curiosity in difficult situations through the use of intelligently guided questions, and
React in more appropriate ways that build confidence among family, friends, and colleagues.
People have become dichotomous personalities. Thanks to digital communications, they spend more time being connected to one another. Too bad they use such opportunities to become less connected to one another. I am sure you get my drift. One of the best weeks of my life was the week I did not use my cell phone. WOW, What a feeling! What a sense of freedom that was. I will never do that again. Being free from responsibility is not so great when your vision is driving you to create. An important part of me being me is me creating something. For me, being and doing is the same thing. If I am, I do. That’s it. How can we live and not want to achieve something scared, something deep and noble? Now that is an empty life. Love really is the answer, and love is sacred, especially when we love what is sacred - like you and me. And yet so many people spend their entire lives without ever experiencing the sacredness of being, because they have not known love. Their Moms & Dads failed them. That 's where it begins. —Ray Newkirk
Trust is a very difficult human virtue. Some situations absolutely require trust. Some situations do not require much trust. This virtue is one of those virtues that is so hard to find but so easy to lose. Even oil lamps do not help us much in our search for truth. —Dr. Ray Newkirk
A Life in Motion - Dr. Newkirk Coaching History
Academically: Dr. Raymond Newkirk has earned docstorates in several specialties including the Psy.D., in Clincial Psychology, the Ph.D. with a double focus in Behavioral Science & Philosophy of Science, and the Ph.D. with Distinction in Systems Science with a focus on the Design of Human Activity Systems in High-Technology Environments.
Professionally: Dr. Newkirk has enjoyed an extensive career rising in the ranks from computer programmer to CEO and Chairman of the Board. He has led teams implementing new technologies that transformed entire industries including Banking & Financial Services, Logistics, Software Development, Computer Manufacturing, and Coching & Consulting. As an Entrepreneur, Dr. Newkirk launched Bay University, the first for-profit Internet-Oriented, virtual learning company in the country. He sereved as COO of Mindmaker, the A/I company that won “Best of Comdex” two years consecutively back in the late 1990s. He even served as Vice Chairman of the Board for a start-up funded by Anthony Quinn, the well-known actor.
Coaching: Dr. Newkirk has actively engaged in coaching on a global basis for more than 40 years. His area of interest is simple: Problem Solving. What else is there? Dr. Newkirk maintains that anyone who seeks out a coach for assitance is facing a problem that requires resolution. Dr. Newkirk has a pet peeve. He does not like to “HELP” his clients. He says that “HELP” is such an over used word. He maintains that clients require assistance, not really help. He sees “help” as such a weak word that misrepresents the situation of nearly every client. Clients need an edge, fresh insights, clarification, new direction, improved behaviors and skills, fresh ideas, a safe environment for discussing career questions, peronsal resets, emotional clarifications, independent assessments, but not “help”. “HELP” is what people need when they are drowning. People who have the resilience to seek out Coaches and begin the process are not yet drowning. They are still working on building their lives. They are asking for assistance. They are still taking care of themselves. They are still making course corrections. Clients may sometimes think that they are drowning, but they are not.
Dr. Newkirk founded his Dr. Newkirk & Associates Stress Management Clinic for Executives early in the 1980s and began his career as an Executive Coach. Since that time, he has assisted clients in countries from the Middle East and Europe to Asia and the USA sharing insights and assisting them with more rapidly resolving many diffrent kinds of problems. He is the Founder and developer of the Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) approach to coaching success.
Certification: Dr. Newkirk founded the National Certification Council for Coaching Professionalss™ (NCCCP™) and defined its Certification Process. We certify the coaching profession at four levels:
Certified Coaching Assistant, CCA
Certified Coaching Director, CCD
Certified Coaching Consultant, CCC
Certified UlThule™ Coaching Specialist, CUCS
NCCCP™ offers several different tracks for each certification level to assist you with developing your coaching expertise. Each track defines the qualifying criteria for certification at each level taken from five different areas of knowledge and experience including: (1) academic education; (2) coaching experience; (3) continuing education from related body of knowledge, (4) consulting experience in coaching for the CCC level of certification, and (5) self-directed Coaching education in the business of coaching. The following section discusses the different areas of knowledge and experience.
Academic Education: May be met by a wide variety of specialties including in the arts and sciences including but not limited to psychology, sociology, communications, education, science, business, and management. See the Definition Section for additional information on academic requirements.
Coaching Experience: This qualification is met by professional coaching experience over the past five years with individuals, teams, and organizations in profit and non-profit settings where at least 50% of the coaching involved individuals and the remainder with teams. See the Definition Section for additional information on coaching experience requirements.
Continuing Education: Education and training over the past five years consisting of seminars, workshops, college courses, and vocation training offerings that keep you informed of trends in coaching and consulting. NCCCP’s formal Body of Knowledge contains a large number of subject matter areas and subareas that are recommended to meet this requirement. See the Definition Section for additional information on continuing education requirements.
Consulting Experience: May be met by consulting to groups, individuals (one-on-one), conducting workshops, presenting seminars, publishing professional articles, engaging in classroom instruction, supervising coaches in training, and managing five or more coaches during one or more engagements. See the Definition Section for additional information on consulting experience requirements.
Coaching Education Program for Coaching Professionals: The CEPCP consists of 180 hours of educational, 180 hours of experiential learning, and 90 hours of business management as a qualifying practicum.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Ray directly at rnewkirk@smilc.info