The world experiences an infinite number of human problems at home and in the workplace. Coaching Specialists exist to prepare the army of coaches required to assist clients with mastering an unending range of problems. —Ray Newkirk
Coaching Specialist (CSp)
A Coaching Specialist is a Coaches’ Coach. They explore the usually unchartered territory of the spiritual side of life, that side of life that really makes one tick. These are the people who understand coaching from a practical, moral, ethical, methodological, and scientific point-of-view. They have attained a deep and broad perspective about the art and science of coaching. They are multidisciplinary practitioners of Professional Coaching.
A Coaching Specialist has developed the skill, insight, and knowledge necessary to assist clients with understanding, addressing, and resolving a wide range of issues that both negatively and positively impact the direction of their lives. After all, situations that at first appear positive may turn out to be negative and situations that at first appear to be very negative may actually turn out to be very positive if they are objectively, and subjectively, processed through the coaching experience. A Coaching Specialist can assist clients with facilitating the appropriate transformation for these especially sticky kinds of situations that are often more spiritual than material. —Ray Newkirk
Spirituality and Gentleness: “Humility is the virtue that requires the greatest amount of effort.” ─ Rose Philippine Duchesne, a very humble person and quite spiritual. Hello. Thanks for enrolling. Welcome to our course on Executive Spiritaulity. The Course will be far-ranging, challenging, surprising, insightful, informative, and even interesting. This first Course consists of ten lessons and addresses an extremely vital topic that concerns the development of human character.
Gentleness is a type of mastery over many kinds of situations. For example, gentle-minded people make an effort to communicate more clearly and listen more deeply to collagues. They may think about situations from a wider perspective.
The potent coach focuses on the practice of virtue over vice to avoid doing immature things. This is a significantly human activity that assists us with doing the right thing, avo1ding the wrong thing, and forming satisfying relationships with clients.
Spirituality is the emotional and intellectual awareness of the Sacred. A spiritual person lives in the presence of the Sacred. Spirituality is an attitude about living.
Applied Moral Wisdom assists coaches with focusing on the practice of virtue over vice to avoid doing immature things. This is a significantly human activity that assists us coaches (and clients) with: (1) exercising what is right; (2) avoiding what is wrong, and (3) forming satisfying relationships at home, work, and life.
No matter how obstructed the view of life becomes, somewhere, somehow, some light comes shining through. Amazingly, it is enough to prevent the darkness from taking over. Coaching is a lot like that.
Prejudice is often an inherited attitude. It actively narrows vision, reduces creativity and interfers with problem-solving capacity. Authentic self-esteem builds confidence and enhances the curiosity the feeds crativity. It is the foundation for interpersonal competence and the forming of potent relationships.
Spirituality is a much over-used word. People speak of different spiritualties as if they are available at Costco. Living a spiritual life requires energy because it can be very hard work. After all, we are working to overcome that part of us that pulls us away from the human family.
Pursuing the spiritual life can be dangerous. As Coaches, however, we cannot sit on the fence, hold back, be timid, and let other people do our work for us. Spirituality requires honesty, courage, the desire for growth, and the desire for union with colleagues and friends.
Change occurs naturally in nature. When it comes to human beings some people seem different every time you meet them while other people seem to never change. When it comes to trying to change someone, however, then things change because the person does not. Interesting, right? —Ray Newkirk