Coaching Foundations
Foundations are essential for the support of buildings, ventures, relationships, highways, theories, methodologies, and professions. Everything important requires a Foundation. It is obvious even to the most casual observe that Coaching is increasingly important and is one of those professions that requires a “Strong Foundation.” This is so because coaching is an “Assistive Process” that impacts the life of clients in a hopefully positive kind of way.
—Ray Newkirk
Building a strong and flexible foundation is essential if one is to to achieve Coaching success. Such a foundation is esential because clients present complciated issues that require straightforward solutions. This Course delivers ten compelling and evidence-based Lessons that empower coaches to develop the foundation they require to assist clients with resolving a wide-range of personal challenges and emotional sticking-points. I developed this Coaching Foundation Program Course to assist clients with getting beyond the constraints of their personal situations and deepend their understanding of Coachng. —Ray Newkirk
The Ten Lessons Composing This Course Include:
Refining the Crucial Coaching Skills: Learn what really matters.
You Still Here: State why you want to improve your Coaching Skills?
Foundation of High-Impact Coaching: Learn what really matters in Executive Coaching.
Beyond the Fundamentals of High-Impact Coaching: Keep learning and improving.
Building Authentic Cooperation: Forming the Coach-Client team.
Mastering the Difficult Skills: Enjoy the forever process.
Building Communications Skills: Listen better every day.
Understanding Makes Difficult Ideas Easier: Easier but never simpler.
Assert Yourself Appropriately: Assertion has boundaries.
Going to the Core: Getting to the center of the problem.
-What’s Inside-
Coaching is not an intuitive “I can read your mind” kind of process. Successful Coaching requires a special person who is emotionally and intellectually prepared to assist clients with moving beyond their “sticking points” by gaining the insights and skills required to define and realize the visions and missions in life, both and out of the workplace. This First Course in our Program begins laying the foundation to assist you with becoming a Coching Specialist. This is a significant Coaching Milestone that is not for everyone. It is a vocation that is centered on making a positive difference in the life of clients who present a wide range and depth of personal and interperosn challenges.
Lesson 2
You Still Here: State why you want to improve your Coaching Skills?
Lesson 4
Beyond the Fundamentals of High-Impact Coaching: Keep learning and improving.
Lesson 6
Mastering the Difficult Skills: Enjoy the forever process.
Lesson 8
Understanding Makes Difficult Ideas Easier: Easier but never simpler.
Lesson 10
Going to the Core: Getting to the center of the problem.
Lesson 1
Refining the Crucial Coaching Skills: Learn what really matters.
Lesson 3
Foundation of High-Impact Coaching: Learn what really matters in Executive Coaching.
Lesson 5
Building Authentic Cooperation: Forming the Coach-Client team.
Lesson 7
Building Communications Skills: Listen better every day.
Lesson 9
Assert Yourself Appropriately: Professional Relationships have interesting boundaries.
Some Words on the NCCCP™ Certification
Years ago people would say things like “that guy so and so is certifiable”. This was not a compliment. Naturally, the person refrred to as the “so and so” would be offended by the insult. Today when we say things like “that person so and so is certifiable,” we would be giving that person a compliment. Naturally, the person referred to as the “so and so” would appreciate the compliment. It represents a 180 degrees change from the first remark. Simply amazing. Here, we are telling people that they are intelligent and special for be capable of earning a professional certification. For many people today, becoming certified is a big deal. In some professions certification can mean a great deal.
Not to be undone, the Coaching Profession offers a number of certifications according to specialty and problem type. These certifications are intended to provide some evidence of competence in a coaching specialty such as Life Coaching, Performance Coaching or Executive Coaching. One can well ask: Is Professional Certification an essential requirement to be able to assist a client as a coach? Of course not. People have attained years of experience working in an area that enabled them to accumulate many potent insights that can assist other people with overcoming different kinds of challenges in specific situations. Often, but not always, it is true that “Experience is the best teacher”. Nevertheless, a solid Certification Program can expand and deepen a coach’s skill set. It should certainly increase understanding, and deepen the capability to assist clients with resolving their unique challenges. Dr. Newkirk designed each of his courses to assist clients in mastering the intellectual, knowledge, and skills dimensions of the coaching process. Our NCCCP™ Certification Programs are unique, expansive, and practical in leading clients to grow from one level of coaching competence to the next. Our four coaching programs deliver a transformative experience in goals attainment and coaching excellence.
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✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
Question 1: Can we subscribe for more than one course at a time? Yes you can, but we do not recommend it because of the scheduling conflicts that could arise.
Question 2: Can we take the courses in any order we like rather than 1,2,3, & 4? Yes you can, but we ordered each Course in a sequence that is best for attaining each level of Certification associated with each course, if certification is one of your goals.
Question 3: What is the basic Framework for the Program? Problem-solving is the Framework. Eack Course consists of 10 Lessons that are designed to solve a coaching problem. Moreover, Dr. Newkirk designed each Lesson to take about four hours. Thus, Dr. Newkirk designed each Course to demand about 40 hours of concentrated study.
Question 4: Do we need to earn a state license to work as a coach? SInce you will not be engaging in psychoherapy of a medical profession, you do not need a syte of Federal license to work in coaching.
Question 5: Can I apply as an individual and share my subscriotions with colleagues and friends? Dr. Newkirk designed this progam for individual study. Group and team courses are available if a different rate.
Question 6: What is the primary focus of the Coaching Certificate Programs here? Our Focaus is simple: Building the Coachs’ emotional and intellectual comfort and skill for assisting clients with owning and solving their problems.