An interesting observation about being a coach is that you get to see how people view reality from their perspective. Some people will reveal much about themselves that is a contradiction. —RLN

Representative Coaching & Consulting Engagements

While yesterday's quest was information and today's is knowledge, tomorrow's will be intelligence about business innovation and acceleration. Each quest demands an environment unique to itself. Systems Management Institute bridges the old and new paradigms and satisfies the personal, business, and organization coaching needs of clients including:

  • Corporate owners and executives wishing to influence and improve the value of work teams

  • Corporate training managers wishing to offer practical coaching programs that improve the performance of all employees

  • Business and technical managers wishing to shift to tomorrow's paradigms today

  • Consultants wishing to fine-tune their professional and personal skills and broaden their methodology foundation

  • Individuals interested in improving their competence in managing self, communicating, managing people and tasks, and mobilizing innovation and change.

We assist domestic and international companies. Our client list includes AT&T, Pacific Bell, Dell Computers, Royal Saudi Naval Forces, Government of the Philippines, Gould, American Express, Raytheon, Bank of America, Matson Navigation, DHL, Digital Consulting, Flashpoint Computers, Walt Disney, IBC, London, Technology Transfer, Rome, and British Airways, City and County of San Francisco, City of Tucson as well as the portfolio companies of Mindmaker Incorporated, and many other companies. Systems Management Institute is a professional services company with an outstanding legacy of noteworthy solutions. Clients span more than 25 industries and have received more than 20 different services. We assist clients with knowledge transfer, intellectual capital acquisition, problem solving, strategic coaching, career self-renewal, staff development, communications enhancement, and softskills enhancement. Completing contracts globally, we deliver both coaching and consulting engagements.

Future Directions in UlThule™ Coaching

In enhancing executive softskills, I see UlThule™ Coaching more prominently preparing executives to succeed in the highly turbulent environment of global business.  As executives more frequently face unexpected problems that impact the productivity and personal fulfillment of managers and teams in their organizations, we see our UlThule™ Coaching approach gaining global acceptance as more leaders recognize the value of performing at the highest level of attainable while integrating ethical principles of team work with personal integrity.

  • In Virtual-Learning, we see the Systems Management Institute expanding as additional courses and programs become available.

  • In Career Self-Renewal, we see our practice expanding as more people appreciate the value that our coaching-oriented career adjustment services offer in critical professional and personal situations.

The future is exciting for us. As we continue along the path paved by our Founder, we look forward to new opportunities as we seek even more to be of value to our clients, customers, and learners.

Management & Leadership

Interdisciplinary Coaching Plan team

Leaderships Styles 

Program Management

Program Evaluation

Supervision Philosophies and techniques

Delegating – Enable Staff Ability


Time Management

Coaching Staff In-Service

How to Conduct Meetings – Staff, Teams

Problem Solving

Record Keeping

Dealing with Challenging People

Stress Management

Memory Improvement

Violence in the Workplace

Controlling & Guiding


Universal Coaching Concepts

Culture Change/Greenhouse Concepts

Management & Management Techniques

Generational Diversity/Gender Issues

Quality Assurance – CQI, TQM

Committee Development

Customer Service

Working with Aging Clients 

Coaching Aging Clients

Life Span Potential

Theories of Aging for Coaches

Human Behavior and Aging for Coaches

Understand Potential and Creativity Factors of Senior Clients

Coaching for Wellness and Self-Esteem

Reminiscing & Journaling for Clarity

Tasks of Career & Life Review

Tasks of Vital Aging

Physical & Sensory Changes

Medications & Nutrition

Healthy Aging

Illness & Dysfunction

Pain Management

Behavioral Change

Sociology of Aging Clients

Involvement & Isolation

Dependence & Independence

Aloneness & Social Networks

Cultural Attitudes

Social Histories & Needs

Working Arrangements


Peer Communities at Work

Health Risks in the Workplace

Culture Change in the Continuum of Work

Baby Boomers versus the Techno-Generation

Foreign Languages and the Aging Worker

Abuse of the Aging in the Workplace

Psychology of Aging

Leisure & Aging

Emotional Choices & Depression, Anxiety, Fears

Drugs & Alcohol

Work Security

Successful Adaptation 360 degrees

Counseling Techniques

Stereotypes & Myths

Confusion & Disorientation

Aging in Place




Attitudes & Motivation

Analysis of Work versus Leisure Ratios

Client Interests

Different Categories of Client Rights

Volunteerism in the Workplace

Creativity in Aging

Person Centered Management

Continuing Education for the Older Employee



  • It is concerned with all three types of learning as an integrated learning environment:

  • There are no tests for right and wrong answers.

  • Didactic learning would constitute only 30% of client relationship.

  • Active interchange would constitute 70% of client relationship.

Coaching Errors that Require Correction 

  • Every client is coachable. 

  • All clients have a human right to aspire to become truly successful persons in the course of their lives. 

  • All clients have the right to become successful in their mature years. 

  • Success Coaching is not only for the young. The immaturity of youth is the obstacle that blocks the benefits of coaching.  Authentic coaching best happens when conducted in an environment of life-long learning. 

  • The coach is not the principal cause of the learning that occurs in the client.  The primary cause of learning is the client’s own mind.   Coaches are only a secondary cause of learning.  Coaches are instrumental aids who assist the process of learning by guiding the mental and emotional activity of clients. 

  • There is more than one kind of learning and one kind of teaching. 

  • Coaching is not the primary preparation for begin successful or earning a living. Coaching should include such preparation, but it is not the most important of the basic objectives of fundamental coaching.

Core Maxims Guiding™ Coaching 

  • Coach must get to know the client – how the client attacks problems, confuses things, loses heart or endures. 

  • The coach is concerned about the client’s work in which the client displays his or her skills.  This work is to be open to criticism.  The coach works with the client to gain explanations of the work and performance levels. 

  • Immediacy is crucial. Time is necessary. 

  • Insightful critique is essential to progress.  The coach has to recognize error and adequately describe it to the client. 

  • Different problems and issues require different ranges and intensity of coaching and varying techniques. 

  • Repetition is important.  Exercises are helpful. 

  • Coaching requires time and a reduced number of clients. 

  • Successful coaching requires commitment and a form of isolation.

Spirituality & Gentleness

  1. Living the Gentle Life

  2. Becoming a Gentle Soul

  3. Touching the Spirit

  4. Comparative Religions

  5. Worship & Religion

  6. Death & Dying

  7. Career Self-Renewal Where Do You Go from Here?

  8. Career Transformation - Your Path to Professional Success

Team Coaching/Support Relations

Coaching Teams

Religious Resources

Client Health Services

Business – Chamber of Commerce

Library Resources & Research

Information Resources for Client

Mainstreaming Coaching Processes

Successful Coaching & Consulting Skills

  1. Going to the Core

  2. Using Coaching to Overcome Turbulence in Organizations and Teams

  3. Building Loyalty

  4. Defusing the Confusing

  5. Building Authentic Cooperation

  6. Mastering the Difficult Skills

  7. Moving from Beliefs & Values to Character

  8. Doing the Hard Work

  9. Changing Self-Image

  10. Building Team Prudence

  11. Building Generosity

  12. Establishing Respect

  13. Raising Interest Levels of Individuals & Teams

  14. Developing Communication Skills

  15. Mastering the Core Competencies of Teams

  16. Mastering Coaching to Lead People to Change

Computer & Technical Skills

Word Processing

Database Management

Spread Sheets

Presentation Software

Charting Desktop Publishing

Virtual Learning


Management/Personnel, Legal, and Ethical Issues 

Personal Career Management 

Recruiting, Interviewing, Hiring, Termination, Development, Recognition, Evaluation – Staff and Volunteers

Job Search – Resume Writing, Interview Preparation


How to Work With Volunteers

How to Work With Supervisors

How to Work With Consultants

How to Work as Middle Management

How to Work With Vendors

Intra-Departmental Skills

Public Relations & Speaking

Professional Image

Leading Meetings

Business Etiquette

The Written Message

Media Use – Press releases, T.V., Radio, Internet

Publicity – News

Letters of Appreciation

Volunteer Programs

Fund Raising

Marketing Activity – Importance Letters, Bulletin Boards, Posters, Graphic Techniques

Community Marketing or Organization and Coaching Delivery Systems

Some people want respect but have no respect for others. They want progress but are jealous of the progress of others. They want gratitude and appreciation but have none for others. They fail to realize that this is why they do not receive what they want from others. They give very little of themselves to anyone else. —RLN