Coaching Specialist (CSp)


With expreience, People improve on their jobs or with their hobbies. Whatever it is, practcie makes us all better, not perfect but better. In most cases, better is quite good-enough as my dear friend and colleague Dr. Gene Kerfoot would graciously remind me. Occassionally, with the right kind of experience at the right intensity, people become more than good-enough with whatever it is they are doing. They become good-enough to teach other people how to become better at what they do. These are the doctors who teach other doctors how to become better doctors. These are the extraordinary Specialist in their fields. Dr. Newkirk created his Coaching Specialist Program to assist other coaches with becoming the “beyond good-enough coaches” who are indeed the Coaching Spcialist of the future. These are the coahes who can teach other coaches how to be really good-enough at what they do best, that is, valuing and coachning their clients.

—Ray Newkirk

A Coaching Specialist is a coach who has focused on the development of the skills, techniques, and methods of coaching from a Spiritual and Systems Perspective. Moreover, a Coaching Specialist is a Coach who has mastered the skill of developing Coaches to respond to a wide range of clients and client problems. Coaching Specialist are experienced coaches. These Coaches possess indepth knowledge and understanding of the difficulties of coaching and the solutions that resolve a large number of Spiritual problems about character conflicts of teams in the workplace and the spiritual characteristics of clients such as ethics, morality, integrity and Applied Moral Wisdom. This Course/Program consists of ten Lessons including:

  1. Foundations of Executive Spirituality, Shared Insights

  2. Living the Gentle Life

  3. Build Coaching Character throughMoral Wisdom in Action

This Course in becoming a Coaching Specialist has five points of focus, the Coach, Client, Behavior, Psychology, and Process.

The Ten Lessons in the Program include:

  1. Coaching Specialist Foundation: You will not succeed for long without a solid Coaching Foundation.

  2. Living the Gentle Life: Our daily strength emerges from our natural Gentleness.

  3. Building Coaching Character through Moral Wisdom in Action 1: Moral Wisdom in Action Focuses on the practice of virtue over vice to avoid doing immature things.

  4. What is Executive Spirituality?: So much of Executive Life is bound up in the spirituality of human life.

  5. Building Coaching Character through Moral Wisdom in Action 2: How does a person develop character? Is character formed? Does character emerge through some kind of spiritual process:

  6. Building Coaching Character through Moral Wisdom in Action 3: Applied Moral Wisdom follows the path that actualizes an informed conscience..

  7. Building Coaching Character 4: Sso many concepts have so many parts to them.

  8. Building Coaching Character 5: We control less than we think we do.

  9. The Keys for a Vibrant Spirituality: Spirituality requires honesty, courage, the desire for growth, and the desire for union with colleagues and friends.

  10. How to Coach with Influence: We do not need to work equally on every problem to coach someone.

What’s inside

Spirituality informs the way we associate with friends, family, and colleagues.

Lesson CSP 1: Foundations of Executive Spirituality, Shared Insights

Welcome to Lesson 1.

Why I Share This Experience: Many Executives have taken a wrong turn along their spiritual journey. Lived insight will get them back on track. It is good to have some place to go for professional renewal along the journey.

Spirituality emerges in the way we influence children and guide them to develop social skills.

Lesson CSP 2: Living the Gentle Life

Gentleness is a kind of mastery over many different kinds of situations. For example, gentle-minded people make an effort to communicate more clearly and listen more deeply to collagues. They may think about situations from a wider perspective.

Wise people appreciate the contribution of Spiritulaity in forming and guiding intellectual discussions.

Lesson CSP 4: What is Executive Spirituality?

Spirituality is the emotional and intellectual awareness of the Sacred. A spiritual person lives in the presence of the Sacred. Spirituality is an attitude about living.

Spirituality strives for interconnectivity among ideas, insights, and colleages to uncover the hidden mysteries that advance human progress.

Lesson CSP 6: Building Coaching Character through Applied Moral Wisdom 3

No matter how obstructed the view of life becomes, somewhere, somehow, some light comes shining through. Amazingly, it is enough to prevent the darkness from taking over. Coaching is a lot like that.

Spiriuality encourages concern for other people and the drive to strengthen cooperation among colleagues.

Lesson CSP 8: Building Coaching Character 5

Spirituality is a much over-used word. People speak of different spiritualties as if they are available at Costco. Living a spiritual life requires energy because it can be very hard work. After all, we are working to overcome that part of us that pulls us away from the human family.

Spirituality encorages the formation of deep and commited relationships that add meaning and comfort to life.

Lesson CSP 10: How to Coach with Influence

Change occurs naturally in nature. When it comes to human beings some people seem different every time you meet them while other people seem to never change. When it comes to trying to change someone, however, then things change because the person does not. Interesting, right? —Ray Newkirk

Lesson CSP 3: Building Coaching Character through Moral Wisdom in Action 1

The potent coach focuses on the practice of virtue over vice to avoid doing immature things. This is a significantly human activity that assists us with doing the right thing, avo1ding the wrong thing, and forming satisfying relationships with clients.ybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Spirituality does not encourage devotion to indifference nor to intellectual laziness.

Lesson CSP 5: Building Coaching Character through Moral Wisdom in Action 2

Applied Moral Wisdom assists coaches with focusing on the practice of virtue over vice to avoid doing immature things. This is a significantly human activity that assists us coaches (and clients) with: (1) exercising what is right; (2) avoiding what is wrong, and (3) forming satisfying relationships at home, work, and life.

Spirituality encouages the development of human reasoning and the disciplines of the mind.

Lesson CSP 7: Building Coaching Character 4

Prejudice is often an inherited attitude. It actively narrows vision, reduces creativity and interfers with problem-solving capacity. Authentic self-esteem builds confidence and enhances the curiosity the feeds crativity. It is the foundation for interpersonal competence and the forming of potent relationships.

Spirituality creates confidence, drive and the never give up attitude that results in creative problem-solving.

Lesson CSP 9:The Keys for a Vibrant Spirituality

Pursuing the spiritual life can be dangerous. As Coaches, however, we cannot sit on the fence, hold back, be timid, and let other people do our work for us. Spirituality requires honesty, courage, the desire for growth, and the desire for union with colleagues and friends.

Spirituality inflames the desire to gain knowledge to enhance the capacity of people to grow in wisdom.

Coaching Specialist
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Get anytime access to our growing collection of professional classes and exclusive, evidence-based content. New content added every month. Coaches are professionals who assist clients with resolving a range and depth of career or life "sticking points". Coaching Specialists are the coaches who train and guide the development of new coaches.

✓ 24X7 course access from the comfort of your home. .
✓ Enhance your coaching skills and capabilities.
✓ Master the Coaching Development Process (CDP).
✓ Learn to develop and train professional coaches.
✓ Become a recognized member of an important Profession..

Frequently asked questions

Question 1: Is Spirituality a religious experience, ? Spirituality can be a religious commitment dependeing on the religious perspective of the individual and how that individual orders the values that guide his or her life. When the client is deeply commited to a religious orientation, the Coach will be expected to respond in a manner that is sensitive to the nature of the session if religious spirituality is involved in the problem statement.

Question 2: Is Spirituality a psychological process? Of course it is. Just about everything in life involves human psychology. Deeply religious people have manifested highly unusual psychological phenomena. Padre Pio is an example. Generally these people do not seek out the assistance of an Executive Coach.

Question 3: Is Spirituality a sociological process? It can be depending on the nature of the enviroment in which the client experiences his or her core of life experience. For example, suppose a client seeks Executive Coaching assistance to respond to a negative job situation manifested by several members of a team working within a church-centered environment? Here the conflict is not a religious one but one consisting of a social conflict between different teams on the job.

Question 4: As an Executive Coach, or any other coach for that matter, how involved must I be in addressing Spirituality during my sessions with clients? As an overt issue, not much. Rarely do clients come to Executive Coaches to discuss spirtual issues. When it does come up it often is in a passing kind of way. However, if spirituality comes up as a core question during a coaching session, it would probably be as a developmental issue and not a religious issue. Generally people do not retain the services of a Professional Coach to discuss religious conflicts. In these instances, clients would normally search out someone known to assist with people with specific kinds of religious issues such as a minister, rabbi, priest, or some similar. Executive Coaches do not receive many theological and religiously moral conflictual kinds of questions.

Question 5: In the event that spirituality is raised during a coaching session, how would it come up? Simple, it would be a matter of a client not working well with the boss or a workmate because the client does not like their religious views or especcailly the client is unhappy with how a workmate publically displays or engages in religious practices in the workplace.

Question 6: How involved in spirituality does a coach need to be to succeed as a coach. The is a personal matter for each coach to decide. There are coaches who assist clients in profound ways who rarely if ever think about spiritual matters or spirituality at all. As a rule, spirituality matters in the sense that it plays a role in the formation of human personality. When coaches work with different pesonalities, they are working with different spiritualities. It is wise to rmember taht spirituality is a personal attribute of each human being in each person’s own unique way of expressing themselves. For example to decide to be an atheist is itself a spiritual decision.

Coaching is a lot like Mountain Climbing, success matters and it matters a lot. In Mountain Climbing, climbers commonly experience many different kinds of problems. In Professsional Coaching, coaches commonly experience many different kinds of problems. Now this is where the similarities end. When climbers experience an unexpected problem, they can lose their life. When coaches experience an unexpected problem, they can lose their fee. —Ray Newkirk