Coaching refreshes the spirit. It connects the heart with the mind and the intellect with the imagination. It clarifies the reality of the situation that feeds unrest and assists the client with attaing the potency required to grow beyond the present challenge. —Ray Newkirk

Coaching Foundation (CF)

What do you think makes a potent foundation for coaching? When you ask coaches and non-coaches this question, you get a variety of answers. Many of the answers come down to training, experience, and price. Nothing surprising here. Some people raise character as a factor and others reply with coach-client fit. These answers are really general and miss the deeper issues such as the point of view of the coach. This being said, what I have observed over the last few decades is that people answer this question based on their personal experience with coaching whatever way that experience occurred.

I guess we can say that the anwer to my question depends on the way they have experienced the topic of coaching at the different times in their lives. It does not seem to be a knowledge specific question as much as it does a personal experience question. The answers to my question were not based so much on a theorectical perspective that a person may hold as much as they were on a judgement about some situation the involved some connecting with coaching coaching intrinsically or extrinsically. I wrote this Coaching Foundation Course to get beyond the constraints of one’s personal situations and deepended theri understanding of Coachng based upon subject matter, methodology, science, practice, and situational experience. —Ray Newkirk

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